Hutt Lagoon Pink Lake

Port Gregory Rd, Gregory

See route

If you have time to explore further afield (perhaps while the wind is up in the late morning/early afternoon) a drive to ‘Pink Lake’ is worth a visit.

Approximately 45minutes away (65km) the huge pinky/purple salt lake is a sight to behold. 

Why is it pink? The colour of the lake is due to the algae - a source of beta-carotene which is used as a food-colouring agent!

The lake is easily accessed by road with a lookout (on the approach to the town of Port Gregory) where you can pull over and walk down to the water’s edge.

Our tip: The lake looks most vibrant between 10am - 2pm when the sun is high overhead.

The below map pinpoints a sightseeing point where it is safe to pull over and get out to view the lake.